Metall detektor kemerli
Artikul: P-0086291 Sotuvda mavjud- To'lov: Naqd, Pul o'tkazish, UzCard terminal
- Yetkazib berish: Tezkor yetkazib berish, Bepul yetkazib berish, Standart yetkazib berish
4 detecting zones
1.Dual high brightness red LED display
2.Counter the number of people passing through
3. Multi zones detect and alarm at the same time
4. The adjustable sensitivity is 0-200 of each zone.
5. 4 independent probes,4 detecting zones
To'lov naqd pulda sotuv joyida yoki yetkazib berilgandan keyin
Pul o'tkazish
Hisob raqamiga pul o'tkazish yo'li bilan to'lov qabul qilish
UzCard terminal
UzCard POS terminali orqali to'lov qabul qilish
Tezkor yetkazib berish
Tezkor yetkazib berish
Yetkazib berish narxi
Yetkazib berish hududi
O'zbekiston: barcha hududlar
Bepul yetkazib berish
Bepul yetkazib berish
Yetkazib berish narxi
Yetkazib berish hududi
O'zbekiston: barcha hududlar
Standart yetkazib berish
Standart yetkazib berish
Yetkazib berish narxi
Yetkazib berish hududi
O'zbekiston: barcha hududlar
Tavsiya etilganlar